OEOO Newsletter 07-18

OEOO Newsletter 07-18

Newsletter / Unkategorisiert

OEOO Newsletter 07-18

Dear Members, dear friends of environment!

A few days ago we reached an important milestone in our work. As the first environmental organization in the world, One Earth – One Ocean e.V., together with its technology partner BIOFABRIK, succeeded in covert plastic waste from the sea back into diesel-like fuel. Since the founding of OEOO, this goal has been high on the agenda, because collecting the waste is one part, but a usefull recovery is much more important. Only when we convert plastic waste into a valuable substance it will be possible to change people’s disposable behavior.

Accordingly, the concept of the SeeElefant in the recent months is taking up more and more space. A team of experts around Dr. Harald Frank is working in our office in Kiel on the project that is financed by the Röchling Foundation. The plastic-to-oil conversion process will be one of the key tasks on board of a SeeElefant.

Our public relations work is currently in full swing. OEOO was the environmental organization at the center of Croatia’s celebrity sailing regatta „Rose Of Charity“ in early June. Three broadcasts by ARD Brisant and various print media reported about OEOO and our fight against plastic waste. Almost daily, we receive inquiries for cooperations, donation projects and invitations to events.

In order to get the younger target groups excited about our work, we have now set up our own Instagram channel in the social media area, which already got more than 100 followers and several thousand hits within two weeks.

We wish you all a nice and plastic-free summer. Please stay weighed.

Günther Bonin and his team


Our activities in short


March/April 2018:

  • SeeKuh on a cleaning tour in the waters off Hong Kong
  • Günther presents the work of OEOO at a regatta in Mallorca and in the Singapore Yacht Club
  • Günther travels to Battambang / Cambodia to start the cleaning, recycling and environmental education project
  • For half a year OceanCollege students collected water samples for our Microplastic Pollution Map
  • OEOO at „Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution“
  • OEOO is official partner of the UN environmental campaign #CleanSeas.

May 2018:

  • OEOO is actively involved in the „Munich Plogging Mob“ (garbage collection campaign) in the English Garden
  • Bettina gives her talk at the Carlo Schmid secondary school, which has been awarded the „Berlin Climate School“
  • The new film from our sponsor CD to OEOO and the work of SeeKuh in Hong Kong goes online on YouTube
  • OEOO member meeting 2018 in Kiel

June 2018:

  • The „Rose of Charity“ celebrity regatta sails one week for and with OEOO in front of Croatia, ARD reports
  • Donation campaign of the gas station chain STAR brings in 3,000 euros for OEOO. Many Thanks!
  • Our team in the north is very active: from „Tag am Kai“ (day on the quay) to „Kieler Woche“ numerous events take place with participation of OEOO.

Please find the OEOO Newsletter 07-18 for download.