Plastic litter in aquatic environments of Maremma Regional Park (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

Plastic litter in aquatic environments of Maremma Regional Park (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

2017 / Europe / Mediterranean / research

Plastic litter in aquatic environments of Maremma Regional Park (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

Cristiana Guerranti, Susanna Cannas, Costanza Scopetani, Paolo Fastelli,
Alessandra Cincinelli, Monia Renzi, Plastic litter in aquatic
environments of Maremma Regional Park (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy):
Contribution by the Ombrone river and levels in marine sediments, Marine
Pollution Bulletin, Volume 117, Issues 1–2, 15 April 2017, Pages
366-370, ISSN 0025-326X,
Abstract: Abstract
During two surveys in 2015 and 2016, sediments samples were collected
along the Ombrone river (Maremma Regional Park, province of Grosseto,
Italy), in particular at its mouth and in the marine area in front of
it, in order to quantify, identify and categorize plastic items (macro,
meso and micro-plastics and colour, material etc.) and evaluate their
potential sources. The Albegna and Osa rivers were identified as
external areas of comparison. The results of the analysis showed
different situations, especially as regards fluvial inputs, in addition
to evidencing local provisions of plastic material derived from
agricultural activities. The microplastics values per kg of sediment and
the prevailing type of items found largely varied between the
investigated sites (45–1069 items/kg dry sample).
Keywords: Transitional environment; Human-impact; Albegna river; Osa
river; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Microplastics