The Experimental Research of Additional Energy Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions from Use of Marine Litter Collecting Nets
The Experimental Research of Additional Energy Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions from Use of Marine Litter Collecting Nets
Vytautas Smailys, Vygintas Daukšys, Nadežda Zamiatina, The Experimental
Research of Additional Energy Consumption and Exhaust Gas Emissions from
Use of Marine Litter Collecting Nets, Procedia Engineering, Volume 134,
2016, Pages 205-214, ISSN 1877-7058,
Abstract: The problem of marine litter is one of the most important
ecological problems in many countries. Lack of ecological consciousness
and disregard for environmental regulations for marine pollution,
results in increasing and sometimes even dangerous amounts of floating
litter that either pollutes coastal areas or end up degrading into ever
smaller particles and poi-soning marine fauna. To solve this problem one
of innovative marine litter collection nets – a light weight, easy to
assemble was created. However marine litter collection would create
additional trawling work which results in additional air pollutant
emissions. It is there for necessary to evaluate the air pollutant
emissions that occur during trawling of nets and aim to provide tools
for ecological optimization of trawling work so that the least amounts
of air pollution would be created while gathering the greatest amount
marine litter. The special raft was designed and constructed for such
nets test. The test was performed in Curonian lagoon. Marine litter
collection requires additional energy consumption, because of increase
of thug’s engines power to overcome increase of nets resistance, that
also leads to additional fuel consumptions and higher exhaust gas
emissions. The article is based on experimental research of a light
weight marine litter collection nets resistance measurement. Evaluation
of additional energy consumption and increased exhaust gas emissions
during trawling.
Keywords: marine litter; resistance determination; energy consumption;
exhausts gas emissions.