Understanding of the distribution quantities and types of marine litter
Understanding of the distribution quantities and types of marine litter
Understanding of the distribution quantities and types of marine litter.
The report aims to review the current state of information and
understanding in the distribution, quantities and types of marine litter
in European Seas. It combines a traditional review of published
literature with a survey amongst national partners of monitoring or
survey and assessment activities in EU Member States. The literature
review provides representative examples of the effects of litter on the
marine and coastal environment, illustrating regional differences. It
also considers potential negative ecological and socio-economic impacts
of marine litter. This report provides a summary of national surveys by
from official monitoring, NGOs or local authorities and R&D activities
by MSFD regions. It also shows the type of environmental compartments
included in such surveys indicating the point of contact or relevant
link to find further details. The report outlines limitations and gaps
in the current state of knowledge and highlights some popular
misconceptions relating to marine litter.