old footballs washed up on the world’s beaches

old footballs washed up on the world’s beaches

2014 / non research

old footballs washed up on the world’s beaches


Eyewitness: Penalty by Mandy Barker
Photographs from the Guardian Eyewitness series

theguardian.com, Friday 9 May 2014 10.28 BST

Photographer Mandy Barker's online appeal for old footballs washed up on
the world's beaches resulted in Penalty, a series of four images
designed to highlight the impact of plastic accumulating in the world's
oceans. The balls were photographed as they were found, unwashed and
unaltered, some containing seawater, others drained. Some were home to
creatures, including a shrew, an ants' nest and a family of crabs, while
others showed signs of having been bitten by turtles and fish



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