Brussels, 4 November 2013
Questions and answers on the proposal to reduce the consumption of
plastic bags
What is the overall aim of this proposal?
The overall aim is to promote waste prevention and reduce littering. It
requires Member States to take measure to reduce the use of lightweight
plastic bags on their territory. The proposal takes the form of an
amendment to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.
What are the main components?
The proposal contains two basic elements. First, it amends Article 4
(prevention) of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, requiring
Member States to take measures to reduce consumption of lightweight,
less frequently re-used plastic bags (with a thickness below 50
microns). Second, it stipulates that these measures may include the use
of economic instruments (such as taxes and levies, which in some Member
States have proved to be very effective), national reduction targets, as
well as marketing restrictions in derogation of Article 18 of the
Directive, subject to the Treaty’s internal market rules.