Brussels, 4 November 2013
Environment: Commission proposes to reduce the use of plastic bags
Today the European Commission adopted a proposal that requires Member
States to reduce their use of lightweight plastic carrier bags. Member
States can choose the measures they find most appropriate, including
charges, national reduction targets or a ban under certain conditions.
Lightweight plastic bags are often used only once, but can persist in
the environment for hundreds of years, often as harmful microscopic
particles that are known to be dangerous to marine life in particular.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: "We're taking action to
solve a very serious and highly visible environmental problem. Every
year, more than 8 billion plastic bags end up as litter in Europe,
causing enormous environmental damage. Some Member States have already
achieved great results in terms of reducing their use of plastic bags.
If others followed suit we could reduce today's overall consumption in
the European Union by as much as 80%."