CSIRO study finds some of Australia’s remote beaches are most polluted

CSIRO study finds some of Australia’s remote beaches are most polluted

2014 / Australian coasts / non research

CSIRO study finds some of Australia’s remote beaches are most polluted

11 Abr 2014

CSIRO study finds some of Australia's remote beaches are most polluted
By environment reporter Jake Sturmer

A new study of Australia's dirtiest and cleanest beaches has revealed
some surprising results.

CSIRO researchers have spent two years surveying Australia's entire
coastline, counting rubbish on sections of sand and sea every 100

The survey of more than 175 beaches found the dirtiest beach in
Australia was Border Village on the coast between Western Australia and
South Australia.

This was typical of the study that found remote and hard to reach
beaches were among Australia's most grotty.

Lead researcher Dr Denise Hardesty says the rubbish did not float in
from polluted oceans abroad.

By using ocean current data and examining the items, researchers could
tell much of the mess fell from the hands of ordinary Australians.


11 Abr 2014

Dirty Aussie beaches animal death-traps

You might think Australia's beaches are clean, pristine and rubbish
free, but a new study by the CSIRO has found that's not the case.
Researchers have spent the past two years surveying the entire coastline
and estimate that more than 100 million pieces of rubbish are on our
shores, killing thousands of birds.

Jake Sturmer
Source: AM | Duration: 3min 13sec

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