Industry Lobby Tries to Block Bill That Would Protect U.S. Waters from Plastic Microbeads

Industry Lobby Tries to Block Bill That Would Protect U.S. Waters from Plastic Microbeads

2014 / non research

Industry Lobby Tries to Block Bill That Would Protect U.S. Waters from Plastic Microbeads

Industry Lobby Tries to Block Bill That Would Protect U.S. Waters from
Plastic Microbeads

Anastasia Pantsios | August 26, 2014 9:02 am

A bill working its way through the California legislature to ban plastic
microbeads from cosmetics and other products made and sold in the state
has encountered a snag.

The bill, AB 1699, authored by 5 Gyres Institute and sponsored by Rep.
Richard Bloom of Santa Monica, sailed through the other chamber of the
legislature, the Assembly, in May. That action came a little less than a
month before Illinois enacted such a ban in June becoming the first
state to do so.

Date Action
08/28/14 Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Jackson.

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