Berlin supermarket would have zero packaging
A.K. Streeter (@april2462)
Living / Green Food
May 21, 2014
In North America, supermarkets have become giant warehouses with row
upon row of gleaming aisles, an ever-larger percentage of which are
filled with frozen foods vacuum-sealed in plastic and then covered in
big, bright cardboard boxes. Even Trader Joe's, once considered
'alternative' for their boutique selections of goods, are getting bigger
and packaging more.
Convenience is still king in our approach to life and to shopping. But
there's one inconvenient fact - even if we have enough landfills for
generations, our oceans are filling up and dying due to our penchant for
single-use plastic packaging.
In London in 2007 a group of intrepid eco-conscious entrepreneurs tried
to create a supermarket where packaging was at a minimum. The Unpackaged
store inspired lots of Londoners, but in spite of the massive press,
Unpackaged couldn't make it. In Austin, a grocery store called
in.gredients also eschews packaging, and though tiny (1,300 square
feet), the store is currently thriving - the owners told Entrepreneur
they get twice the customers they expected but those customers tend to
buy half what the business model predicted.