Waters have no borders – International Solidarity Cleanup of oeoo and its partners – Sunday 13 March 2022
Waters have no borders – International Solidarity Cleanup of oeoo and its partners – Sunday 13 March 2022
On Sunday, 13 March 2022, the International Solidarity Cleanup of oeoo and its partner organisations will take place at thirteen locations worldwide on the occasion of the Nile Coalition of oeoo, Verynile and environmental organisations in five countries bordering the Nile. Under the motto “Waters have no borders!”, teams from oeoo and local partner organisations will hold simultaneous cleanups.
Organisations in the following 10 countries worldwide have already confirmed their participation: Egypt, Brazil, Burundi, Germany, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Rwanda and Uganda.
– Cairo in Egypt ( oeoo / Verynile)
– Uganda (oeoo / Junior Rangers / Greenwatch)
– Rwanda (oeoo / Red Rocks Initiative)
– Burundi (oeoo / ABN – Association Burundaise pour la protection de la Nature)
– Battambang, Kampong Cham and Phnom Penh in Cambodia (oeoo / Comped)
– Bekasi/Jakarta in Indonesia (oeoo / waste 4 change)
– Manila in the Philippines (oeoo)
– Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia (oeoo / bluHope)
– Rio de Janeiro in Brazil (oeoo Rio)
– Kiel in Germany (oeoo / SDA)
“Despite global crises, the pandemic and currently the terrible war in Ukraine, we must never lose sight of environmental and climate protection. We must clean and protect the environment! For our goal must not only be a peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the earth, but also to preserve our livelihoods on earth for ourselves and future generations.”
Günther Bonin, founder and chairman of One Earth – One Ocean e.V. (oeoo)
“As the first cleaning action organized by oeoo Manila, our new team is proud to be a part of the international solidary cleanup in cooperation with the Nile cleanup and verynile. We will focus on Areas in Paranaque (Metro Manila), close to the Paranaque City College. As the litter is mostly accumulating at the shores in this area, will clean the bay- and river shores. Due to the still existing Covid 19 regulations, we will only have a reduced team of about 20 persons.
This is not only a solidary cleaning event. oeoo and verynile use this chance, to show the world what is doable, even in hardest times. Even war and viruses can’t stop our love for the environment. Nothing will stop the hope we create by doing so. Hope that we can still change course. Hope that we are able to clean up. Hope that our World Leaders wake up and clean up as well. And hope to save our planet.”
Daniel Scheler, oeoo Project Manager Philippines
“Blu Hope (BH) is proud to be a part of the international solidarity clean-up in cooperation with the Nile clean-up, OEOO and Verynile. Thank you very much indeed for including us!
In fact, this event dovetails perfectly with kick-starting our own series of planned monthly clean-ups with our Sabah Plastic Neutral (SPN) platform/movement, in which we aim to make Sabah – the most biodiverse Malaysian state on the island of Borneo, ‘Plastic Neutral’ by end-2026.”
Simon Christopher, Founder of bluHope, Malaysia (www.bluhope.org)
“On 13.3.22, a Nile clean-up will take place in up to 9 countries bordering the Nile. Our partner oeoo has co-organised this action. As a sign of our solidarity, we from the SDA- Scientific Diving Association together with the Diving, Sports and Sailing Centre of Kiel University, want to support this Clean Up.”
Board of the SDA- Scientific Diving Association Kiel, Germany (https://www.sda-kiel.info)
“The COMPED and oeoo Cambodia Teams have been organizing and participating many clean-up activities and events in Cambodia. This time, to be part of the international solidary clean-up action with oeoo International VeryNile, we are proud to announce that we are organizing two clean-up events, one along the Mekong river on March 13 and another on March 14, 2022 at the Gulf of Thailand. For this occasion, the 3 oeoo Cambodia Teams, Phnom Penh, Battambang and Kompong Cham, will come together and unite as one, to implement these two events.”
Kim Heng Chau, COMPED