26. March 2023 2024-04-18 8:34OUR TEAM
Dr. Rüdiger Stöhr
Microbiologist and teacher for biotechnology / biology from Kiel, member since 2012.
Why join oeoo?
When Günther and I were ‘gossiping into the evening sky’ above the Kiel harbor, it was immediately clear that we were swinging on a wavelength. From the first small joint ideas, projects such as “Jugend forscht”, microplastic monitoring, oil wool PURE, plastic filters, etc. emerged, and there is a very exciting association work, for which I am enthusiastic.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
As an oeoo employee, I am responsible for the microplastic project. I hold lectures, workshops and give internships on the subject of plastic in the sea. I am interested in cooperations in which the plastic problem is researched and presented in a responsible manner.
Bettina Kelm
Environmental Education Officer, since 2013 honorary member of OneEarth-OneOcean e.V.
Why join oeoo?
I am a freelance journalist for travel and nature and I live in Bichl/Bavaria. In the Gulf of Panama 2010, I was shocked by how turtles had to deal with plastic waste and spontaneously wrote a comprehensive article about plastic in the sea. In 2012, I met Günther and his concept of “marine litter cleanup”. From the Panama-reportage, a photo lecture about plastic waste was made.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
Since 2013, I have lectures on schools and environmental education events all over Germany (focus on Bavaria). Depending on the age of the audience, there are different lecture concepts, from primary school pupils to adults. From the pollution of the Pacific Ocean off Panama, the curve stretches over the global situation in the world’s oceans to the extent that our German waters are already heavily loaded.
Dr. Harald Frank
Economist, 56 years old, strategic partner of One Earth – One Ocean e.V.
Why do I work for oeoo?
Climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the littering of the oceans require new ways of thinking and solutions in economy and politics. Without dogmatism, but with a lot of expertise and pragmatism, Günther Bonin and his team implement ideas and projects in the field of water protection. In 2009, David Suzuka, Canadian biologist and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize, called for “Give back the eco to the economy”. Economy and ecology are a perfect match in many areas. We can demonstrate this in particular with the oeoo large-scale project “Marine Litter Cleanup” and the SeeElefant pilot system.
Area of responsibility and consulting fields for oeoo
Project development & project management, strategy, business analyses, financing and subsidies. I am team member for the implementation concept of the “Marine Litter Cleanup” and the SeeElefant pilot system.
Daniel Scheler
oeoo Project Manager in the Philippines
Why do I work for oeoo?
It is high time that there was less talk and more action. That’s why I decided to take action and become part of the solution. oeoo actively tackles the problem where it arises. In contrast to some projects with good approaches but little future perspective, the holistic concept of ‘Maritime Waste Collection’ is the most sensible one to get on top of the plastic floods in the long run. The components of science and education complete the picture and are, in my eyes, the only way to sustainably reduce the amount of waste entering our oceans.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
As Project Manager in the Philippines, I will be working with a local team to drive the Manila Bay clean-up project forward. Among other things, the Circular Explorer will be stationed here for at least 3 years. On site, I will coordinate the operational procedures and lead the team. At the same time, as part of our educational focus, I will promote cooperation with scientific and educational institutes and thus further develop the joint project of oeoo and Holcim.
Gesa von Pappritz
Teacher, 57, volunteer member and fundraising expert
Why do I work for oeoo?
My first encounter with oeoo was while looking for ways to do something against plastic waste on beaches and in the ocean. In order to counteract this global problem, it takes more than a vision, namely an energetic community in which everyone can participate according to their possibilities.
I am convinced of oeoo because solutions to the marine litter problem are really available here thanks to a high level of expertise and passion. In addition, the association is engaged in many activities in the field of education and research. In this way, a significant contribution can be made to cleaning up the world’s oceans and preserving our ecosystem.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
I contact foundations, companies and people in order to win them as financial supporters and/or new members. With this support, the elephant seal project should be able to be implemented as quickly as possible.
Frank Brodmerkel
Communication Expert from Munich, working for oeoo since 2012.
Why join oeoo?
When I read about oeoo 10 years ago in the daily newspaper, I spontaneously offered Günther the support of my PR agency. Plastic waste has received great attention as one of the most pressing civilization problems in recent years. But it does not help the environment to talk about it. We must act at last!
Area of responsibility at oeoo
At oeoo, I support the association’s concerns through press and public relations, including a regular newsletter for members and interested parties. I ‘m also responsible for the oeoo web presence. It is intended to further increase the awareness of the association and to help to win new members.
Justine Kaczenski
Why join oeoo?
Every day my work in the marketing industry cofronts me with mass consumption – and the effects are devastating! Where to put the garbage? Not in front of my front door … wrong! Everywhere lies plastic garbage and plastic bags lying everywhere on the beach. Our oceans are the purest dump! Together with oeoo I want to tackle this problem and raise awareness for marine waste and consumer behaviour!
Field of activity at oeoo?
In a digital world that is becoming more and more complex, I support oeoo in the content creation of social media channels. My tasks range from strategy development, editorial work to community management and influencer relations – almost everything that has to do with emojis at oeoo?
Birgit Westermayr
Member of the first hour at oeoo.
Why join oeoo?
Because plastic has lost nothing in the environment. Clean water, clean food and a functioning oxygen production are of central importance for all of us.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
I support the association and above all Günther Bonin with the administration, bookkeeping and member support.
Shawn Maholick
Technology Evangelist, Infrastructure Architect & Service Manager from Munich.
Member since 2017, Working for oeoo.
Why member?
During my travels, I was repeatedly confronted with littered rivers and beaches that urgently needed to be addressed. In 2016, I also spent some time volunteering in Cambodia and witnessed the increasing problems and challenges caused by the ongoing littering. When I met Günther and oeoo shortly after, I was inspired by the idea and the concept and joined oeoo as an active member in 2017.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
As an employee of oeoo, I am responsible for our global IT infrastructure and development of applications, take care of our employees and projects in all technical matters and focus on “Green IT” and sustainability.
Erich Groever
61 years old, graduated Engineer (TU) for Food and Environmental Technology.
Owner of an engineering office for waste and environment.
Active oeoo member since 2013.
Why join oeoo?
In 2013 I had first contact with Günther in the tests of the first SeeHamster. His enthusiasm immediately struck me, his vision of clean seas is convincing. The global pollution of the oceans is a basic cause, we can not even overlook the consequences. Therefore my cooperation, in order to actively counteract and find a solution.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
Environmentally sound waste management is my profession and my vocation. I add to Günther’s idea of collecting plastic waste from the sea my professional background and the aspect of further processing. My task at oeoo is to develop the most ecological, economical and economical solution for utilizing the waste of plastic material.
Soeum Son
Soeum (24) has been the new project coordinator at oeoo in Battambang since August 2021.
Why join oeoo?
I have been entrusted by COMPED, the partner NGO of oeoo in Battambang, with the management of the OEOO environmental project. The project offers a great opportunity to protect the environment and biodiversity of our country by cleaning a section of the Sangkae River in Battambang. Through recycling plastic waste, we extract value from a material that would otherwise end up in landfills.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
My role at oeoo is project coordination in the province of Battambang. I organize the project work plan for our volunteers, manage the budget and expenses, coordinate with local authorities and relevant stakeholders, collect data, and document the work. Lastly, I also join the SeeHamster collection team to clean the river and its banks.
Thaiane Maciel
Environmental engineer and Director of oeoo Rio.
Why join oeoo?
One Earth One Ocean is a global NGO that is highly committed to combating plastic pollution in the oceans and promoting environmental awareness in different countries. It is truly special to be part of a team of professionals who are technically well-prepared and work together to find solutions to change this situation. As an environmental engineer, I feel fortunate to be involved in this work.
Area of responsibility at oeoo
I am the Director of One Earth One Ocean in Rio, and I coordinate the collection activities and collaborations with fishermen, as well as projects for environmental education and awareness.