Newsletter – December 2017
Newsletter – December 2017
Dear members, dear friends of the environment!
Since August, a lot has happened at OEOO, and the rhythm of newsletters has suffered a bit. OEOO is gaining momentum and there are a number of important events ahead, of which our SEEKUH action early next year in the Hong Kong Bay deserves the most attention. I was enthusiastic about the great willingness to help both companies and private individuals such as Jan-Peter Saul, who supported us or helped us financing the dismantling and transport of SEEKUH.
The company Interpac Control GmbH donated wood and lashing straps for the professional packaging in the containers. The logistics company Kühne & Nagel pays for the transport of the containers to Hong Kong. Last but not least the employees of the Lübeck Yacht Trave shipyard with their boss did a great job disassembling. Also to all the helpers of the OEOO club a heartfelt thank you!
Our website is now also available in English and Spanish and is very well received. It provides an attractive platform for OEOO to introduce itself and its achievements. Here you can follow the broad media coverage of OEOO. Especially in the last few weeks numerous films have been created, which you will find under the heading ‚OEOO – Video contributions‘.
Organizing and implementing the projects both here and in Hong Kong and soon in Cambodia, as well as the first plans for SEEELEFANT devour a lot of time – and money! That’s why we’re happy when you assist us with your donation or your membership fee. You can find out how to help on our website under “I want to help”.
Happy Holidays and a Happy 2018 wish you
Günther Bonin and his team
Our activities in the last months:
August/September 2017:
- 2.9.17: Harbor festival Ostsee Resort Damp, OEOO receives a check from the resort
- Global Ocean Cleanup Day – OEOO is included!
- The SEEKUH two times on German TV within a few days: in the movie “Plastic in every wave” (29.9.) and in the magazine DAS! (4.10.)
October 2017:
- The artist Mirja Lang donates part of the proceeds of her art project “108 Lichtperlen” to OEOO, Günther presents the association at the vernissage.
- SEEKUH is now on Wikipedia:
- 17.10.2017: Lecture “SOS Ozean” by Günther Bonin at the DAI in Heidelberg arouses great interest
- Rüdiger Stöhr accompanies OceanCollege and carries out a research project with students on microplastics
November 2017:
- New movie from the company CD about SEEKUH in action on the Baltic Sea:
- The SEEKUH is disassembled and brought to Bremerhaven. From there it will be shipped to Hong Kong.
- Numerous school lectures on plastic waste are held in the fall with the kind support of Bund Naturschutz Bayern, Kreisverband Bad Tölz Wolfratshausen.
- The BLLV – Bayerische Lehrer- und Lehrerinnen Verband in Munich officially recommends our school lectures on plastic waste in oceans
- The company Vitamin Sea supports OEOO: from the sale of each product the association receives 50 cents.
Please find enclosed the Newsletter December 2017 for Download here.