New report: Monitoring plastics in Northern fulmars

New report: Monitoring plastics in Northern fulmars

2014 / non research / seabirds

New report: Monitoring plastics in Northern fulmars

New report: Monitoring plastics in Northern fulmars

October 6, 2014
By IMARES Wageningen UR

Commissioned by the Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the
Environment, IMARES has published its new monitoring report on
quantities of plastics in stomachs of Northern Fulmars found on Dutch
beaches up to year 2013.

The added two years of data suggest a decrease in quantities of
plastics, but are not significant over the past ten years. Currently,
94% of investigated stomachs of Dutch Fulmars contained one or more
plastic particles, and about 52% contained more than the critical level
of 0.1 gram plastic. North Sea governments have set a policy target
where this percentage is reduced to below 10%.

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