The impact of debris on marine life
S.C. Gall, R.C. Thompson, The impact of debris on marine life, Marine
Pollution Bulletin, Available online 10 February 2015, ISSN 0025-326X,
Abstract: Marine debris is listed among the major perceived threats to
biodiversity, and is cause for particular concern due to its abundance,
durability and persistence in the marine environment. An extensive
literature search reviewed the current state of knowledge on the effects
of marine debris on marine organisms. 340 original publications reported
encounters between organisms and marine debris and 693 species. Plastic
debris accounted for 92% of encounters between debris and individuals.
Numerous direct and indirect consequences were recorded, with the
potential for sublethal effects of ingestion an area of considerable
uncertainty and concern. Comparison to the IUCN Red List highlighted
that at least 17% of species affected by entanglement and ingestion were
listed as threatened or near threatened. Hence where marine debris
combines with other anthropogenic stressors it may affect populations,
trophic interactions and assemblages.
Keywords: Ocean litter; Garbage; Biodiversity; Harm; Mortality;