S. Rech, V. Macaya-Caquilpán, J.F. Pantoja, M.M. Rivadeneira, D. Jofre
Madariaga, M. Thiel, Rivers as a source of marine litter ? A study from
the SE Pacific, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Available online 13 April
2014, ISSN 0025-326X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.03.019.
Abstract: Composition and abundance of persistent buoyant litter
(plastics, polystyrene and manufactured wood) were investigated at
riversides and on adjacent coastal beaches of four rivers flowing into
the SE Pacific Ocean. Persistent buoyant litter made up the main share
of litter at riversides (36?82%) and on coastal beaches near the river
mouths (67?86%). The characteristic litter composition of each river is
attributable to human influences along its course. Riverine litter items
were deposited to both sides of the river mouths on coastal beaches, and
their abundance generally declined with distance from the river mouth.
However, maximum litter accumulations were often found on beaches north
of the river mouth, suggesting a long-term influence of the prevailing
equatorward low-level jet along the Chilean coast. The results confirm
that riverine transport has an important impact on litter abundances on
coastal beaches.
Keywords: Riverine litter; Litter composition; Litter abundance; Marine
beaches; Riversides