The Five Myths (and Truths) About Plastic Pollution in Our Ocean
Posted On July 17, 2014 by Nick Mallos
As the Director of Ocean Conservancy?s Trash Free Seas Program, I?ve had
the opportunity to meet people who care about the ocean and are making a
difference for the communities that depend on it. However, I?m always
surprised by the number of misconceptions about ocean plastics.
With many people visiting the beach this summer, not to mention all the
coverage that ocean plastics has received recently, it?s a great
opportunity to clear up some of these myths:
In my holidays I saw a secluded beach that was littered with plastic
waste. I asked myself how this could be possible. Back home, I began to
fathom the causes of this. The problem is that the ocean is completely
polluted with plastic. A lot of plastic is washed up on beaches
worldwide. This and many other bad facts led me to make my degree movie
about the material plastic and its follow far-reaching.
It took weeks collecting facts, writing a story and draw a storyboard.
After four months production time the movie is finished. With two
excellent speakers and a nice music, made by Alexander Rösch, I?m very
proud to present you ?It?s a plastic world?. Many NGO?s like Greenpeace,
WWF or PlasticOceans endorsed the movie und spread it too. I?m very glad
for everyone who will spread the movie!!
If you want to know more about as the movie originated, please watch the
Making-Of below.
Making of "It's a plastic world"
from It's a plastic world
Monday, July 14, 2014 7:24 AM
This is the Making Of
It's a plastic world - English
from It's a plastic world
Monday, July 14, 2014 6:29 AM
It's everywhere. We need and want it. We find it in places where we
wouldn't expect it. A world without plastic is inconceivable. But do we
know the consequences of our self-indulgent plastic consumption? This
film shows various problems associated with plastic and looks at
possible solutions.
It's a plastic world - German
von It's a plastic world
Montag, 14. Juli 2014 06:09
Es ist überall. Wir brauchen und wollen es. Wir finden es an Orten, wo
wir es niemals vermuten würden. Eine Welt ohne Plastik ist nicht
vorstellbar. Doch kennen wir die Konsequenzen unseres masslosen
Plastikkonsums? Dieser Film zeigt verschiedene Probleme im Zusammenhang
mit Plastik auf und geht auf mögliche Lösungenvorschläge ein.