Webinar: The Baltimore Water Wheel as a solution to ocean plastics
Featuring John Kellett (Clearwater Mills) and Adam Lindquist (Waterfront
Partnership of Baltimore). Presented by MarineDebris.Info.
Event date: Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at noon EDT / 9 am PDT / 4 pm GMT
To register for the webinar: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/368186913
This one-hour webinar will answer your questions about how the Inner
Harbor Water Wheel in the US city of Baltimore
works as a debris collection mechanism and whether a similar system
might be applicable to watershed cleanup programs elsewhere.
* John Kellett is President of Clearwater Mills (clearwatermills.com),
the inventor and builder of Baltimore's water wheel. John will discuss
the engineering behind the water wheel and what challenges are involved
in intercepting floating debris at river mouths.
* Adam Lindquist is Project Manager for the Healthy Harbor Initiative of
the Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore (healthyharborbaltimore.org),
which owns and maintains the water wheel. Adam will discuss how the
water wheel fits into Baltimore's larger picture of watershed planning
and water quality management.
The importance of capturing floating plastic at river mouths has emerged
as a point of agreement in the marine litter management community. The
Baltimore water wheel, with its eye-catching design and ability to
capture 50,000 lbs. (22,000 kg) of trash every day, is perhaps the
best-known example of such a capture system in action.
The webinar will consist of a 20-minute Powerpoint presentation by John
and Adam, after which they will answer audience questions for 40 minutes.
To register for the webinar: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/368186913
Recording: If you miss the live event, a recording of the webinar will
be available afterward at MarineDebris.Info.
John B. Davis, President
MARE (Marine Affairs Research and Education)
Woodinville, WA 98077 USA
+1 425 788 8185
marineaffairs.org / openchannels.org / mpanews.org / meam.net /