Plastic research crowdfunding campaign

Plastic research crowdfunding campaign

2015 / non research

Plastic research crowdfunding campaign

From: Heather Richard
Date: 2015-02-11 1:02 GMT+01:00
Subject: [MarineDebris] Plastic research crowdfunding campaign

I am a graduate researcher doing Masters work in Marine Science
through San Francisco State University. I study plastic debris with Dr.
Ed Carpenter, one of the first researchers to report plastic in the
ocean in 1972. I’m asking questions about the role of biofilms in
attracting heavy metals to plastic debris, which then may be released
into marine organisms that ingest plastic. I have just launched a
crowd-based fundraising campaign and am looking to find new ways of
reaching different audiences.

Please check out my research project at

and if you think it’s a worthy project, please share with any groups or
social media avenues you think would be appropriate. The video on the
above website can also be seen on YouTube here.

I’d love to hear any ideas or suggestions. Thank you very much!

twitter: @HeatherLanderki

Heather Richard
Graduate Researcher
Carpenter Lab
Romberg Tiburon Center, SFSU
3152 Paradise Drive
Tiburon, CA 94920
Phone: (415) 342 7952

Science Spiel with Heather

Published on 1 Feb 2015

Your contribution will help make my research on plastic debris possible.
I want to know if biofilms are responsible for heavy metals found on
plastic debris. Using a bunch of my old halloween costumes, I made this
video to spread the word.

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