Joint Statement on the European Parliament?s draft report on plastic
carrier bags
Brussels, March 10th 2014 - Seas at Risk is joining with a number of
other organisations to issue a joint statement to alert MEPs on the
Environment Committee to specific issues they have identified with the
Draft ENVI Report and ongoing negotiations within the ENVI committee.
The above organisations insist on the importance of waste prevention to
reduce marine litter in line with the Rio+20 §163 declaration, the Waste
Hierarchy as outlined in the Waste Framework Directive and the Marine
Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) objectives. An ambitious 80%
reduction target to be achieved at least within two years after the
entry into force of the Directive leading to an eventual ban by 2020 at
least, applicable to all single-use carrier bags with no exemptions is
essential to ensure an effective reduction in the use of single use
carrier bags.